Monday, July 25, 2011

Wyatt Graduated!!

I can't believe High School is all over for Wyatt. What an awesome kid!! - We made some great memories during his High School Career. What a joy he was to watch on the field!! I always tell him he was the most fun to watch out of all 3 boys. We won't tell his brothers though!! - I'm going to miss that kid on the field this fall. He made us proud!! Both on and off the field. What a great son we have!!!

Here's our missionary!! - He's been serving now for 14 months. I can't believe it. He served his first few months in Napoli where he didn't want to leave. He then moved to Brindisi where he really never wanted to leave and now is serving on the island of Malta. Malta is a country which is part of the Italy Rome mission. He loves it there and is having so much success. We are so proud of him and the hard work that he is doing. Our great friends Allan and Kristine Carter visited Malta this summer and miraculously ran into Ian and his companion in none other than St. George Square. They snapped this picture of our Anizano Gatchell and his companion Anziano Garvin.

Blogger? Who Me???

So I keep thinking this is a good idea...To share our lives on a blog... But it doesn't seem to ever happen. I am again...trying to update things and start again. Stay tuned. I'll catch you up on the fun things the Gatchell's are up too...which include cheerleading, graduating, missionaring, engaging and lots more!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our Boy Is Called

Ian received his mission call today! He waited by the mailbox until it came at around 2:00 pm. He kindly waiting (and it seemed very long to him) for an hour when the family could be there to watch him open it. He opened it up and.....


Can you even believe it??? We are all so proud of him and can't wait. Especially for the designer clothes he'll be sending back! He is going to be speaking Italian and he leaves May 26th. So he'll have two months with Tanner! So awesome!

At 6:30 we had the friends and family over to watch him "open" it! Everyone was sooo excited! I'll post pictures of that later!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bill and Ellen's 50th - June 2009

We were able to travel to Massachusets and Connecticutt in June for a fabulous 50th Wedding Anniversary at Carl and Karens to honor Scott's mom and Dad - Ellen and Bill. We had a great time at the party!! Photo one - Carl and Scott toast their parents. Photo two - Mom and Hayley enjoying the party. Photo three - Bill and Ellen enjoy their cake and friends. Cake topper was from their wedding 50 years ago. Nice job Karen in finding it!! Photo four - Scott and Sue have almost made 25 years!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tanner's October Mission Photos

Tanner's letters are unbelievable. He couldn't be happier serving the Lord in Hiroshima Japan. He has extended his mission one transfer (six weeks) and will be returning to Utah on April 1, 2010. He is currently serving as a zone leader with Elder Vaughan from Las Vegas. He's happy, healthy and loves the people of Japan.

Gatchell update

It's been a crazy year and I can't believe it's December again. I guess this Blog thing hasn't been a top priority. Now and then I get a quiet moment to upload photos and to add some information to our blog.
We moved again...and again... - it's been a whirlwind year and with 2 moves, no wonder i don't have time to post. We are finally settled in a great house in a great neighborhood and we couldn't be happier. Email me direct if you'd like our new address.
Scott and Sue are busy with work and chasing the kids all over the place. However it's kind of wierd only having 2 kids at home. Atleast we have Pryse and Jayda to keep us on our toes.
Tanner is in the last few months of his mission. He'll be home in 3 months and 24 days. Not that I'm counting or anything.
Ian is having too much of a good time at Utah State. He is loving every minute of it...except for his classes!! - Finals are this week then he's home for the holidays. He will be submitting his mission papers soon and plans to leave right when Tanner gets home.
Wyatt just finished a great year of football where we made it to the semi-finals at Rice-Eccles. He did awesome and was a varsity starter both on offense and defense.
Hayley is enjoying school, friends, shopping, reading and wishes she could travel to Connecticut more!!